TEEPEE / CONE METHOD : The teepee fire method is great for the outdoors because it is super easy set-up and reliable. Because of its shape, the wood will collapse on itself as it burns, so we do not recommended this method for indoor fireplaces.
Set up your fire with some paper or starter at the bottom in the middle. Place kindling over the paper. Lean longer and longer sticks over the fire in a cone shape. Light the paper or fire starter at the base and watch the small sticks start burning then the longer sticks, then thicker logs, etc.
TIP: Make sure to clear the area around the fire of leaves or other burnable debris. Since this fire can collapse as it burns, it should have then space to do so safely. Also, a ring of stones around the fire can help to contain it. WHAT’S IT FOR? Easy outdoor set-up with reliable burning to create warmth for everyone.
Upside-down method feels incorrect, but it’s actually one of our favorite techniques for fireplaces and campfires. The setup is to place your larger logs at the bottom of your fire and smaller ones at the top. Lighting the kindling at the top is super easy and as it burns it ‘drips’ down onto the larger logs, whilst also creating a good upward draft for your chimney. It also prevents the larger logs from smothering the kindling as you light your fire.
TIP: If lighting your fireplace or woodstove with this method, it can help to crack a door or window to help the upward draft started in your chimney.
WHAT’S IT FOR? Fast, easy lighting resulting in less smoke entering the room.